Groundhog Day

You know a highway too well when you know which exits and gas stations have the good coffee machines and good places to overnight!

Back in Orlando and again reunited with 13roads, we spend even more time at Universal Studios visiting Hogwarts and Hogsmeade. When the timing is good, we do take the opportunity to enjoy other rides. We did have to bounce around a few campgrounds in order to stay in the area. We also spent a day visiting friends over in St Augustine. And of course, we make good use of local swimming holes and many food options.

Once our time with 13roads concluded, we returned to Sanctuary RV to complete some maintenance work on Bubbles, access our storage unit, and see family one more time. I return to Cayman for a bit as well. Then we turned right back around and head back up I-75, back towards Orlando for another brief stop. Guess where we head next? If you guessed that we’re heading back up I-75 to the Mothership, you would be right!

We had a few small lingering items left over from the last service. We had planned to take a the Alaska-Canada Highway to Alaska this year, and knew our route would bring us near Ohio. So instead of delaying our previous departure, we had moved those service items to when we passed back through.