Category: Blog

Alaska is on the Horizon

With a partial solar setup, we head west from Houston towards Portland, OR via the coast. Our first step is to get out of Texas. It takes us a few days and few stops...

We Planned to Slow Down!

I’m not sure we succeeded but that’s part of the adventure! We started the year back at Sanctuary RV then popped up to central Florida to meet our South Dakotan friends. Then it was...

Looking Back at 2017

What a year it has been! We towed nearly 17,000 miles, traveled through 30 states, two Canadian provinces and camped in nearly 100 places. There were many highlights to our first year traveling. We...

Canada to Florida

We were graced by a very late summer so staying longer in Ontario was far from a hardship. As we were in the neighborhood, we decided to visit more Cayman friends in Montreal. We...

From the Southwest to Canada

What a year we’re having! From the Grand Canyon, we visited Lake Powell and then Bryce and Zion National Parks before returning to Boulder City and Las Vegas. While tackled some renovations, we pondered...

2017 Mid-Year Update

We’re still green but getting better! Now where do I begin… From Florida, we traveled through Georgia to Tennessee and visited Nashville and the capitol. Then we went to Mammoth Cave NP in Kentucky....

Let the adventures begin!

With no real RVing experience, the learning curve was steep. We did regularly refer back to our walk through videos when hitching and unhitching and it was an adventure each time we dumped our...

Merry Christmas!

We wish you all the very best!

Time to go!

What’s the point of having an RV if you’re not using it? This day was an absolute blur. It started at stupid-o-clock in the morning and involved taking Hobbes on his first flight, renting...

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